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Jackites - Eagle "Assembled"

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Jackite Eagle "Assembled"   NOTE - THIS MODEL IS PRE-ASSEMBLED

Design Specifications      Wingspan 60"

* High quality Inks used to resist fading

* Made of Tyvek

* Detailed Pictured Instructions

The Jackite Tyvek Eagle is an excellent predatory bird kite used as a deterrent against other nu-sense and invading birds species that tend to cause harm to gardens, vineyards, farms , ranches, boat docks etc.

The Tyvek material is very tough high quality industrial paper product manufactured by DuPont.

A fun way to launch the bird is to place it on the ground (sans legs and fish) and walk out about 100 feet of line. (Light weight line like 30# Spectra enhances flight.) A quick snap while stepping back 'catapults' the Eagle off the ground, flapping it's wings as it flies high in the air. (Causes a startling but pleasant surprise to unsuspecting passers-by as this large bird 'jumps' into the air in front of them, flapping its wings as it rises into the sky).

One day a Red-tailed Hawk actually attacked the Eagle, buzzing it several times before it flew off. It looks that real up in the air.

The Eagle looks quite real and attracts many admiring onlookers as it flaps its wings and moves left to right and up and down. You can fly it somewhat as you would a fighter kite, making it change direction by releasing some line and taking it up again. As the wind dies down, the Eagle slowly floats down, wings still (not flapping)as if it was hunting an elusive prey to pounce on just like an Eagle would. Very realistic. I have made a couple of simple modifications for wind conditions by making holes forward and aft of the suggested swivel attachment hole to make it climb or fly close to the ground. Also, I made a 'cinch' string to be able to draw the crossbar (spar) down on the wing for flying in very light wind or raising the spar 2 inches in strong winds.

Designed by Marguerite Stankus, this kite took 8 months from start to finish. Marguerite worked meticulously to pattern the strong wing beat of an Eagle in flight. She wanted the Jackite American Bald Eagle to be a majestic kite considering the allure surrounding the symbol of Unites States.

Tyvek is strong and durable, withstands all-weather conditions, unaffected by water and extreme temperatures. Won't wear out when folded and unfolded. Can be written on with pencil or pen, wipes clean, if soiled. Highly printable, holds topographic details. For almost 50 years, DuPont™ Tyvek® is a tough, durable spunbonded olefin product that is stronger than paper and more cost-effective and versatile than fabrics.

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